Creating SLA templates

Via the SLA template page, you can create a new SLA template and also delete an existing template. You can also edit an existing SLA template including activating and inactivating the template in NABD.

To create the SLA template header:

  1. From your left main menu, select Admin.

  2. From Admin page ,within Service Level Agreement.


  3. On the SLA rule page, click the Add button (upper right corner of the page). If you need to update an existing SLA rule, click the Edit link instead.

  4. Type a name for your SLA rule and optionally also provide a description.

  5. Indicate if you want this SLA template to be active or inactive.

    Remember, if you select inactive here, you will not be able to use the rule in NABD. The rule will be saved in NABD but you will not be able to activate it in your Global Settings. When you want to use the SLA template in the future, you must edit the rule and change its status to active.

  6. Set up the warning threshold for the template the target number days, hours, and minutes – before the case should be closed. The agent assigned to a case that reaches the warning threshold you set here will see a warning indicator on their User Desktop. This lets the agent know the case has not been resolved and it has reached a critical point per your service level agreement with your customer. The agent must close this case as soon as possible.

  7. The system will create escalate activity when the case reached warning threshold. the same for Escalate on violation when it is checked, The system will create escalate activity when the case violated.

  8. Select the Conditions and Actions you want to use this SLA template. You can select cases by priority, product/service and group, against specific organizational units, category, and classification.

  1. When finished selecting the rules for your SLA template, click the Save Rule button.

  2. When you're done, click Save and close.

This SLA template is now saved in NABD. You can view all the SLA templates set up via the Global Settings page. Click the drop down to view the list.
