Notification icons

Need quick status information to keep you on task? The notification icon bar at the top of each NABD page provides you with quick information on follow ups, alerts, reminders, and your to do list.

Follow up - Do you have a follow up that needs your attention? You can set a follow up task to appear here so you don't forget.

Alert - Did another user send you an alert? The alert notification will appear here.

Reminder - Do you need to set yourself a reminder? Your upcoming reminders will appear here.

To do list - Do you use a to do list to keep track of tasks? Look for up-coming "to do" tasks here.

Does a 2  appear next to your follow up button? Then you have two follow ups that need your attention. Click on the icon to view the notifications.

You’ll set up follow ups, alerts, reminders, and a to do list on the Miscellaneous tasks menu.